- Well, come, now we will gather and we will wait for you.
That evening I found an envelope in my mailbox. It contained a flash drive with a phone camera recording of me being raped in an elevator and a note: "You will please me whenever I want. I have many copies of these." And I realized that my life has changed dramatically.
I can take you to a party in the middle of nowhere.
liveartbcs.com/ecuador/04-02-2022-1. When I saw him, I fell in love, honestly. I could no longer think of anything else but his penis.
From half an hour. Maybe more.
This phrase touched something inside me so much that I pressed her closer to me and said thank you, it sounded ridiculous, and figs with him, and a second later I whispered in my ear “you are the best of all whom I have met.”
Kolya, I'm sorry to bother you, can I come in?